Kenapa ini si Snape kok jahat banget?? Di Chapter 2 - Spinner's End, si Snape ternyata siding The Dark Side!!!! and he's using Dumbledore's faith just for the sake of staying in Hogwarts for his safety!!! Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa (Draco Malfoy's mother) pada confront si Snape kenapa dia gak ada dan gak support waktu si Voldemort lagi diserang and no power. Terus Narcissa juga minta Snape untuk take care of Draco karena Draco is now chosen to fullfil Dark Lord's wishes berdasarkan titah langsung dari si Voldemort. Narcissa takut Draco masih terlalu kecil untuk itu dan minta Snape untuk replace klo Draco gak mampu ngelaksanain tugasnya and she thinks the only reason Voldemort chose him is because he wants revenge karena di buku sebelumnya Lucius (Draco's father) failed to retrieve the Prophecy. Terus lagi, si Wormtail ternyata skrg tinggal sama Snape. Terus lagi, Snape confessed the only reason he has been saving Harry Potter's butts is because Voldemort needs Harry's blood to regenerate and to make him invincible.

posted at 1:36 AM -