Sunday, July 31, 2005

Harry Birthday, Harry!!!

Happy Birthday, Harry!!!

posted at 12:01 AM - |

Saturday, July 30, 2005


Udah mau masuk week 3. Tapi rasanya malessssss banget.
Tugas juga udah pada numpukpukpuk. Tapi rasanya maleeeeesssss banget.

posted at 7:36 PM - |

Thursday, July 28, 2005

I HATE JK Rowling!!!!!

Okay, I hate you so muchhhhh, Rowling!!!!!! Since you have inflicted this pain on me and I got nothing but dung from buying your damn $45 book, I will just calmly whisper:

Dumbledore's dead.
Snape killed him.
Hogwarts is to be closed.
Harry is out to hunt Voldemort's souls with the intention to come face to face with that bastard and kill him in the end, and also to kill double-bastard Snape along the way.

posted at 3:29 AM - |



posted at 2:56 AM - |

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Harry Potter 6 - Part 6 [!SPOILER ALERT!] Love is all around

Sebenernya udah dari chapter2 sebelumnya sih ada tanda2 kyknya si Harry Potter lagi naksir seseorang. Tapi setelah baca chapter 14 - Felix Felicis, makin jelas keliatan klo Harry naksir Ginny Weasley!!!

It was as though something large and scaly erupted into life in Harry's stomach, clawing at his insides: hot blood seemed to flood his brain, so that all thought was extinguished replaced by a savage urge to jinx Dean Thomas into a jelly.

That happened when he found Dean and Ginny locked in a close embrace and kissing fiercely as if glued together.

Tapi yg gue masih belum bisa nangkep dengan jelas, apakah Ron and Hermione are secretly having crush on each other??? Soalnya dua2nya lagi ngambek2an skrg gara2 Ron mentioned about Hermione snogging Viktor Krum, dan skrg Ron malah snogging Lavender Brown (perhaps just to get even with Hermione?).

And Harry Potter continues carrying on his denial by telling himself firmly,
"You just didn't like seeing her kissing Dean because she's Ron's sister. She's Ron's sister. She's out of bounds"

yea yea, whatever, Harry, keep on denying your own feeling. I really am looking forward to finding out your true feeling in the later chapters!

posted at 2:08 AM - |

Harry Potter 6 - Part 5 [!SPOILER ALERT!] The Secret Riddle

Setelah baca chapter 13 - The Secret Riddle, i think it explains why Lord Voldemort is such a meanie. Firstly, he's not a pure blood. His mother, Merope Gaunt is a wizard. His father, Tom Riddle is a muggle. He got his middle name after his grandfather, Marvolo Gaunt, who was a meanie himself. Tom got Merope pregnant and despite her love for him, he left her when she was pregnant. Merope didn't exercise any of the magic since left brokenhearted. She then gave birth to Tom Marvolo Riddle and died. Tom Marvolo Riddle was then raised in orphanage. Mungkin karena dia gak pernah dapet yg namanya kasih sayang dari orangtuanya, jadi dia tumbuh jadi orang yang jahat full of hatred. He bullied lots of orphans and stole their toys as his triumphant trophies. Walaupun nggak dibesarkan di lingkungan wizard, tp karena dia keturunan Marvolo Gaunt the meanie, jadinya dia tetep punya the natural wizard ability, mean one i guess.

Tom Marvolo never had friends because he's been such a meanie right from his childhood. Mungkin dia jadinya kebiasaan dgn all of mean actions towards other people, so he grew into meanie wizard karena dia pikir he's all that dengan his nature talent of wizardry and power dan mau nguasain semua orang.

Furthermore, I would assume that Tom Marvolo knew about his father the muggle who abandoned him and his mother before her death. Jadinya mungkin karena itu dia jadi benci muggle or not-pure blood people and want to destroy them all.

Dumbledore himself admitted to Harry Potter that he didn't know that Tom Marvolo would turn into such a meanie wizard. Entahlah apakah itu sebuah kesalahan waktu Dumbledore offered Tom Marvolo a place in Hogwarts. Coba klo misalnya dia gak pernah sekolah di Hogwarts, he would never be able to master wizardry properly, jdnya mungkin dia gak akan bener2 punya power segitunya. Tapi entahlah, klo dibilang dia punya nature talent, yaa mungkin tetep aja dia bakal bisa use his magic properly kali yeee. Pas udah bbrp taun di Hogwarts, dia rubah namanya jadi Lord Voldemort, karena *most likely* gila power!

posted at 1:46 AM - |

I wish we were strangers again

Long before we ever touched
Long before we knew too much
I wish we were strangers again

Long before we ever kissed
Long before I ever missed you
I wish we were strangers again

I want yesterday to come back again
Nothing is as simple as I once knew
Why cant everything be the way it was
Before the day that I lost you?

Long before the afterglow
Long before our tears fell slow
I wish we were strangers again

Ari Hest - Strangers Again

posted at 1:08 AM - |

Friday, July 22, 2005

Bajunya habis

Gak ada bajuuuuuu!!!! Gak punya bajuu bersihhhhhh lagiiiii... habis semuanyaaaa.. dah 3 minggu gak nyuciiiii... huhuhuhuh. bagaimana nihhhh.. gak punya bajuuuuu.. pake apa dong??? Kapan yah nyuci.. bingung nih. Males mulu bawaannya jalan 2 blok untuk pergi ke coin laundrette, walopun tempatnya menyenangkan karena gue bisa baca2 banyak majalah di sana :D.

posted at 1:21 AM - |

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Sang Hygienist

Tadi pagi ke hygienist. Udah males2an banget bangunnya, abisan pagi banget!! Jam 11 pagi. Tapi karena dari minggu2 lalu udah diwanti2 sama sang dentist klo treatment ke hygienist ini amat sangat penting dalam rangka penyembuhan gusi gue, akhirnya yaa paksa2in deh bangun. Udah telat juga sih mau cancel appointmentnya, karena harus 48 jam sebelumnya soalnya klo nggak ya sama aja gue harus bayar some cancellation fee.

Nyampe sana, sang hygienistnya lsg menyambut dengan her cheerfulness, talking about the weather (menurut international student guide di kampus gue, weather is one of topics to breaking the ice), tp terus dia lsg ngomongin what's happening with my gum and teeth. Dan habis tu, she cut to the chase and started doing my teeth. Dia bersihin karang gigi using this sharp tool that sprays water and another tool to suck in the excess water and buildups. Huaaaaaaaaa... sakitnyaaaaa!!! I think she was scratching the plaque off my teeth and also my gum!!!! ARRGGGHHH!!! Oddly, I enjoyed some of the pain on my gum. Karena kadang gue suka gatel gitu nusuk2 gusi gue yg biasanya berasa sakit dikit but usually end up bleeding. Tapi ada statement dia yang cukup menggelitik. Kan pas dia scratched off the plaque, jdnya ada sisa air di mulut gue, terus gue tanya is it safe for me to swallow the excess water and the buildup. Dia jawab, "Off course it's okay. It has been sitting in your mouth for long time and you have probably swallowed them all the time." Hahahaha, bener juga! Kotoran juga kotoran sisa gue makan, dan terkadang gue emang suka males sikat gigi, jadi ya mungkin tuh kotoran juga udah ketelen2 kali. Terus habis itu, dia ngefloss. Yang ini lebih parah!!!!! Dia ngasih gue cermin buat ngeliatin cara dia ngefloss gigi yang bener. IT WAS HORRIBLE!!!! Pertama2, dia taro si floss di antara gigi2 gue terus it went underneath the collar-gum of either side of each tooth terus yah difloss. AARGGGGHH!!! My entire gum was bleeding!!!! Semuanyaaa berdarah2!!!!! Tapi terus aja gitu dia ngefloss semua gigi gue dengan sadisnya walopun gue udah mengernyit2 kesakitan. Habis itu gue disuruh kumur2. Terus dia sikatin gigi gue and showed me how to brush them properly. Habis itu kumur2 lagi dan selesai sudah.

Terus gue tanya, apakah harus sesadis itu ngefloss gigi? Dia bilang it's the proper way to do it, on which healthy gum should never bleed. Well, mungkin karena gusi gue masih infeksi dan puffy jadinya belum sehat betul dan akhirnya berdarah2 deh. But she assured me it would be okay to do so once my gum is healthy. Terus klo habis ngefloss dan sikat gigi, gue harus kumur2 pake mouth-rinse (and she told me she hates Listerine! Me too!!) to avoid the buildups. And guess what, today treatment is not the only one. I have to come back in 2 weeks time! Huhuhuhu... katanya karena gum gue masih puffy dan inflamed, jadinya ya dia gak berani ngapa2in banget2. Huhuhu.. neverending painful situation because of these wisdom teeth growing!!!! Huhuhuh.. numbuhnya tabrak2an lagi dalam gusi. huhuhuhu.. pusing ah. Senin depan baru mo ketemu sama specialist, i hope everything would go my way deh ah.

posted at 11:53 PM - |

Kiamat Sudah Dekat

I know it's basi... tapi akhirnya gue baru kesampaian nonton nih film barusan (terima kasih Ndun atas pinjaman vcdnya :D). Ternyata, jauuuuuhhh bangettt dari bayangan gue (in a positive way).. sumpah nih film keren banget. Mulai dari konsepnya sampe eksekusinya... wahhhhh top dehhh, jarang film indo yg kyk begini. Walo kadang ada scene yg agak jayus, tapi pengeksekusiannya tuh yg ngebikin scene tsb jadi menggelitik. A very inconventional approach to making religious movie (was it religious? err, pokoknya film yg bermuatkan positivity deh ah). Akting si Andre juga top, juga akting si anak kecil Reza oreo. Scriptnya bagus banget!! Banyak punch-line yg sangat menggelitik. Sontreknya 80's berattt!! Ada one particular song yg liriknya gue inget bgt, "kau adalah awal dan akhir bagiku" entahlah, something like that. Kyknya pernah ada cowok yg ngomong gitu ke gue, tapi gue lupa siapa. Siapa yaa???? Tapi satu yg kurang dari film itu, karakter ceweknya jutek banget!!! Haduuh, ngapa sihh gak bisa milih aktris lain yah selain dia?? Mukanya super jutek!! Tidak mencerminkan anak pak haji yang alim dan manis dan rupawan dan rendah hati. Alisnya terlalu naek noh!! Haduuhhh.... gak asik ahh... Klo cewenya kyk gitu sih gue bilang kagak worthy lah si Andre pake belajar ilmu ikhlas. Tapi Pak Haji Deddy Mizwar nya oke tuh, suer dehh!! 2 minggu ya!!! :P

posted at 11:39 PM - |

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Harry Potter 6 - Part 4 [!SPOILER ALERT!] Harry Vs Snape

Ternyata Harry Potter semakin taun semakin jadi snappy aja! Ada one particular memorable moment di buku yang gue suka banget, yaitu ada di Chapter 9 - The Half-Blood Prince. Si Snape skrg udah naek pangkat dari ngajar Potions jadi ngajar Defence Against The Dark Arts, subject yang dia bener2 napsu dari dulu pengen ngajar. Jadi ceritanya student2nya lagi diajarin Non-Verbal Charms (mantra2nya cuman disebutin dalam hati), tp terus kyknya tiba2 si Snape mau attack Harry dan Harry otomatis yelled out, "Protego!" (Shield Charm yang udah dikuasain Harry waktu dia ngajarin bbrp teman2nya yang pada join Dumbledore's Army (DA)) sampe akhirannya Snape jatuh terjengkang ke meja. Ok, let's cut to the chase, the memorable line is:

Snape: "Do you remember me telling you we are practising non-verbal spells, Potter?"
Harry: "Yes"
Snape: "Yes sir"
Harry: "There's no need to call me 'sir', Professor"

Woohoo!!!!! Keren banget!!!!!! Langsung aja Harry kena detention dari si Snape. But I like it a lot!!! Harry's got the attitude, for sure!!!! Wohooo!!! Gue paling suka deh klo si Harry udah mulai agak2 puber nih, esmosijiwa meledak2, rebellious hahahaha!!!

posted at 1:52 AM - |

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Harry Potter 6 - Part 3 [!SPOILER ALERT!] Spinner's End

Kenapa ini si Snape kok jahat banget?? Di Chapter 2 - Spinner's End, si Snape ternyata siding The Dark Side!!!! and he's using Dumbledore's faith just for the sake of staying in Hogwarts for his safety!!! Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa (Draco Malfoy's mother) pada confront si Snape kenapa dia gak ada dan gak support waktu si Voldemort lagi diserang and no power. Terus Narcissa juga minta Snape untuk take care of Draco karena Draco is now chosen to fullfil Dark Lord's wishes berdasarkan titah langsung dari si Voldemort. Narcissa takut Draco masih terlalu kecil untuk itu dan minta Snape untuk replace klo Draco gak mampu ngelaksanain tugasnya and she thinks the only reason Voldemort chose him is because he wants revenge karena di buku sebelumnya Lucius (Draco's father) failed to retrieve the Prophecy. Terus lagi, si Wormtail ternyata skrg tinggal sama Snape. Terus lagi, Snape confessed the only reason he has been saving Harry Potter's butts is because Voldemort needs Harry's blood to regenerate and to make him invincible.

posted at 1:36 AM - |

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Harry Potter 6 - Part 2 [!SPOILER ALERT!] The Other Minister

Baru baca chapter pertama Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince. Udah 2 taun gak baca harry potter, jadinya gue agak kaget lagi harus familiarise lagi dengan gaya bahasa si JK Rowling. Pertama2 sih rada2 gablek gitu gak ngerti jalan ceritanya. Tapi setelah sekian baris ngebaca Chapter 1 yg berjudul The Other Minister akhirnya baru nangkep. LUCU BANGET!!! Di chapter pertama tsb diceritain ternyata after all this time, Minister of Magic Cornellius Fudge selalu keep in touch with the other minister, which is the British Muggle Prime Minister!!! Dari taun pertama Harry Potter sekolah di Hogwarts di mana selalu ada kejadian2 luar biasa yang berhubungan dengan wizardry sampe taun kelima yang selalu involved para muggle, ternyata British PM selalu dikasih tau from the wizards point of view. Di chapter tsb digambarin muka cengonya Brit PM yang selalu terkejut ketika si Fudge tiba2 nongol lewat fireplace dan muka Brit PM yang pura2 acuh pdhl sih tetep aja suspicious klo ngeliat lukisan yang dipajang di kantor dia yg orang di dalam painting tsb tiba2 gerak2. KOCAK BANGET DEH AH!!! After all this time... hahahahaha si Brit PM dibuat puyeng bukan kepayang gara2 ulah para penyihir.

posted at 1:25 AM - |

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Harry Potter 6 Excites Me - Part 1 The Launching

Wah.. senangnya buku Harry Potter nomor 6 udah terbit yg berjudul Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Dateng pagi2 ke launchingnya di State Library Melbourne, Victoria hari Sabtu, 16 Juli 2005 jam 8 pagi ... all for the hopeful excitement. Dasar marketing bisa banget, dibilangnya acara launchingnya bakal ada goodie bag and such, ternyata isi goodie bagnya tuh cuman brosur toko buku yg ngadain acara tsb. Kirain dapet goodie bag isi Harry Potter stuff, huuuuuuu....

Tapi lumayan bagus juga sih acaranya karena banyak anak2 kecil datang lengkap dengan kostum ala Harry Potter dan kawan2nya. Ada satu anak miriippp banget sama si Harry Potter di buku nomor 1, Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone. Terus ada anak satu lagi yg dressed as Ron Weasley, lucu banget mukanya pongoh gitu dan klo gue bilang sih lebih mirip sama Neville Longbottom pas kurus. Terus ada lagi dua anak cewek yg heboh berat bawa2 karton bertuliskan, "Come all ye faithfuls! Harry Potter 6 Rox. Harry Potter is King" or something like that. Lucu aja gitu cuz I think I'm one of the faithfuls hehehehe. Terus ada lagi cewe yg cantikkk banget gitu pake baju ala wizard juga, tp gue lupa dia tuh jd karakter apa sih. Banyak reporter dari channel2 tv di sini pada ngeliput. Ada satu report yg lumayan cakep juga hehehehe. Terus yang keren tuh ada reporter di channel 10, cowok, bernama Harry Potter. I've seen him reporting on tv before. Skrg tuh nama Harry Potter udah lengket bgt dgn image si karakter bikinan JK Rowling. Jadi klo denger nama Harry Potter, semua lsg asosiasinya ke wizardry. Terus dipamerin juga mobil yg dipake si Harry Potter and Ron Weasley di buku ke2, Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets. Ternyata mobil2 yg sejenisnya tuh dipake sebagai mobil polisi Victoria taun kapan gitu. Terus disamperin sama the Balloon Girl yang kerjanya bikin balon2an yang bisa dibentuk jadi berbagai macam rupa. Dia nanya kita mau dibikinin apa, trus gue lsg minta dibikinin Broomstick. Dia bilang dia gak pernah bikin, but she'll try. Halfway through, dia stop dan ngasih gue balon yg jadinya malah berbentuk tongkat devil yg mirip kyk garpu. Heuheheh, gak jadi dah si broomstick.

Terus Premiere Victoria, si Steve Bracks dateng juga buat nyampein kata2 sambutan ttg launching Harry Potter 6. Tepat pukul 9.01 pagi, the first box of Harry Potter 6 dibuka oleh si Bracks (klo ga salah inget yee :D) dan ama anak kecil sapa gitu gak tau deh. And everyone was cheering up!!! Tapi saya kecewa. Covernya gak bagus. Fyi, buku yg dilaunch itu cover yg versi British Kids. Aneh aja, ada api2 encircling Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore. Ga sukaaaaa. Terus lagi yg menyebalkan lagi harganya mahal banget!! AU$45!!! Gak mauuuuu... waktu buku 5, Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix, aja belinya cuman AU$35, huhuhu mahaaaalllll. Terus lagi, bukunya tipis!!!!!!! Well, lebih tipis dari buku yg ke 5. Gue kan dah expect banyak tuh buku bakal lebih tebel dari yg sebelonnya. Tapi yaaa mo gemana lagi ya, I was so excited that I bought the book straightaway at the launching.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Launching at State Library, Melbourne - Victoria, Australia.

The People

Si Anak kecil yang mirip Harry Potter

Steve Bracks opened the first box of the books

Taa daa, Harry Potter 6!
(Cover version: British Kid)

posted at 10:32 AM - |

Thursday, July 14, 2005

What's wrong?

What's wrong with blogspot?

posted at 4:21 AM - |

Giginya berdesak2an

haduuuuhhh... habis xray gigi hari ini, lsg dapat hasil, trus lsg ke dentist lagi minta diinterpret hasilnya. ternyata oh ternyata, wisdom teeth gue numbuh. lupa numbuh berapa, tp yg keliatan jelas ada 2 (atas dan bawah sebelah kiri) yg numbuh. nah yg bawah kiri numbuhnya ga bener, jdnya ngedorong si gigi geraham yg udah ada skrg. ternyata jendol kecil yg ada di pipi kiri gue adalah sebuah gigi! fiuuuh, lega juga.. kirain tumor. td si dentist anaf nyuruh gue ke specialist buat konsultasi dulu, perlu dioperasi secepatnya ato nggak. hm, bakal banyak kyknya nih yg mo ditanya2in. denger2 sih biaya operasi gigi di australia sini mahal banget. jadi, klo emang bisa ditunggu sampe akhir taun sih ya bagus juga jdnya bisa operasi di indo aja. trus bokap nyuruh gue untuk tanya2 yg banyak ke si specialist, including ntar mo pake bius apa. setelah gue tanya2 ke orang2, ternyata rata2 waktu operasi gigi yg menyebalkan tsb pada dibius lokal. aneh bgt kok dulu kakak gue pake bius total yah. wuiiih, jd ngeri klo bius total, takut gak siuman lagi! *parnojaya*. td sempet gak enak juga karena udah troubled the receptionist (karena gue bolak balik berubah pikiran untuk booking appointment ma si spesialis n karena gue super ngotot minta ktemu ma si dokter anaf yg td lagi fullbooked kyknya, tp i really need to see dr anaf to check my opg result). untung si receptionistnya baek n tetap senyum2 (i hope i wasn't that much troublesome to her). ah tapi what the hell lah.... dah bayar! mayan mahal lagi! belon lagi ntar kamis depan appointment sama si hygienist buat bersihin karang gigi. it's going to cost me money! huhuhuhu.... mo exploit aja ahhh si dokter dan para pendukungnya!!! hehehehehe....

tapi hari ini senang, karena udah bisa makan. gusi yg terbakar kyknya udah lumayan2 mau sembuh. mungkin karena obat dari si dr sweeney, amoxycillin n flagyl. tapi, kok sejak minum obat itu jadi sering 'nyetor' yah. jd sering kembung ni perut. jd sering grujuk2 nih perut. efek sampingkah?? tapi senang kok, akhirnya bisa nyetor juga. karena seinget gue minggu lalu belon sekalipun nyetor2. terus td juga dikasih obat sama si Ndun, kyk bubuk gitu buat nyembuhin gusi. diwanti2 ma doi katanya itu obat paiiiiiiiiiit banget. tp pas dicobain, enakkk ndunn!!! ademmmm!!! gak paiiiitttt sama sekali!!! rasanya kyk pasir. tapi minty gitu. aduuuh, terima kasih banget yaaaahh atas bawaan dan oleh2nyaaa!! dikasih sambel, ademsari, nellco, bumbu2, dan kerudung. aaah, emang paling oke dehh sekeluarga!! hehehehe.. cepet2 yah ditonton dvdnya, biar gue bisa cepet minjem juga!

posted at 12:47 AM - |

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Libur pendek banget

Udah sakit selama seminggu, jadinya nggak kerasa tiba2 minggu depan udah mulai masuk kuliah lagi. Kuliah semester 6. Semester terakhir. Dan rasanya semua pelajarannya jadi makin susah. Gemana donk nih? Takut banget. Semester yang menentukan. Harus lulus! Tapi skrg juga lagi deg2an sih nunggu result dari semester 5 kemaren. Huhuhu, moga2 pass semua. I don't really have room for error.

Barusan ngutak-ngatik online learning buat salah satu subject semester depan. Ribeeeeeet bangetttt!! Banyak bgt yg musti diinstall. Kyknya harus dateng ke drop-in sessionnya nih minggu depan buat tanya2. Moga2 sih nggak musti nginstall si ASP.Net dan kawan2nya segala. Gak ngerti! (Well, harusnya sih mulai dipelajarin buat dingertiin). Tapi nih gara2 sakit yang terus mendera, jadinya otak males banget buat proses segala macam informasi.

Tadi sore akhirnya memberanikan diri pergi ke dokter. Namanya Dokter Sweeney. Ternyata orangnya baik banget, walo orgnya serba putih (mulai dari rambut, kulit, tangan, baju, dsb). Tapi kantornya keren banget, klasik berat interiornya. Yang pasti, dia murah senyum! All I could tell him was I had not been able to eat properly for a week cuz my gum was totally in pain. Jadi dia nulisin resep obat antibiotik sama obat buat gum infection. Abis tu bikin appointment sama dentist next door, just to check on my teeth and see what's going on. Argghh, I'm going to have to spend on my money. I hope my gum will be okay real soon. I'm starting to go nuts having my gum bleeding everytime I brush my teeth :( I haven't had any proper meal for the past one week! I've lost 3 kilos (the good thing I get from my illness). I can't even put a small piece of meal into my mouth since it would only hurt my gum. I'm scared of turning avitaminosis or malnourished. I could only take in liquid breakfast, tea, and orange drinks. I wish my gum would soon restore to its normal state, no infection, so I could start to have proper meal again.

posted at 2:03 AM - |