Sunday, November 05, 2006

what is it?

Gawd dem it!! I am so getting old... Hhhhh...

Why do I say so?

I just dont have the young spirit anymore... When I'm surrounded by teenagers, I feel all of my energy is sucked out by their antics, loudness, endebre endebre... Capekkkk... Am i really getting old? Or is it becuz I'm a type of person who enjoys quiet quality time?

Pagi, Malam, Saat sedang bersantai, Saat sedang sibuk, Saat sedang berpikir,...
adalah saat-saat di mana gue nggak suka diganggu orang lain. Gue langsung ngerasa amat sangat tidak nyaman kalau ada orang lain (bahkan ketika itu orang baru di pandangan mata gue, lsg mood gue anjlok)...

Am I an introvert?
or am I a loner?
or am I having a psychology trouble?

What I mostly love to do is to spend some quiet quality time with my boyfriend... Just hugging and talking. That's it. With no one else disturbing.

What is it..?? Is it my soul's hunger for his sole affection?

posted at 6:35 AM - |