Sunday, July 09, 2006

everything is wrong

hard times
busy like hell
i hate it when i cant voice out
mistreated in the name of love

my only curiosity now is
how does it feel hitting hard a wall with a car

consequences... consequences...
somewhat hard to swallow
have to walk all the way anyway

not so fun day today...
i dont know why
low threshold
unstable mood

had a sudden painful stomach cramp
almost blacked out
but forced to stay strong
to drive home safely

life's no fun
when you have no money
i kinda regretted for buying new handset
now im broke
in a couple of more days i'd be unable to quench my car's thirst

i dont have the heart to ask for my parents' subsidiary

what a complete mess...
everything sucks right now...

posted at 1:40 AM - |