Saturday, August 09, 2008

I love my friends

Gue mulai merasakan kenyataan pahit, rasa sedih, sakit, dan perasaan buruk lainnya akan kehilangan seseorang yang pernah mengisi hari-hari gue. Waktu hari H mungkin gue nggak terlalu merasakan hal2 tersebut, karena emosi gue yang malah menenangkan gue (atau mungkin yang bikin gue mati rasa kali ya??)

Tapi hari ini cukup indah bagi gue...

Di saat gue kehilangan pasangan gue, ternyata gue menemukan treatment2 sebagai pasangan dari teman-teman sekitar gue.

1. Teman 1:
Mengajak gue makan malam. Nungguin gue ambil makan duluan dan segala macam lainnya untuk mengisi perut gue (ini lumayan lama krn gue suka ribet sendiri nyiapin makan ehhehe), terus kita balik naik ke ruangan kerja untuk makan bareng

2. Teman 2:
Tiba-tiba dia datang ke meja gue bawain segelas es teh manis, yang dimana gue sama sekali nggak minta dia (pas ambil makan sempet ketemu tapi nggak ada omongan juga)

3. Teman 2:
Dia bikin lagu yang sesuai dengan suasana hati gue sekaligus penyemangat, berjudul "I don't wanna cry again". Niceee...!

4. Teman 3:
Dia minta ditemenin pergi ke Circle K jalan kaki (karena ada di dekat kantor). Pas lagi nyebrang jalan, dia memegang tangan gue dan nuntun gue nyebrang.

Wow.... they are all such good friends. Thanks God for reliving all the love in my life through them. What an incredible day... Thank you for today. I love you guys!

posted at 7:40 AM - |

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

3 Years; the sweet and sour of us

It has been almost 3 years actually since I moved back to my hometown Jakarta. Lots of incredible things happened, lots of things I lost, lots of things I gained. There are simply too much to remember

My life had been forever switched to a very fast lane since the first moment I got to be with this guy. We had so many things going on for the 3 years together. Good, bad, better, best, worst everything. I was convinced that I was gonna marry this guy to spend the rest of my life with, but things have turned sour lately (uhm... could the past 1 year be considered lately?), and just an hour ago I had finally realized we must go separate ways.

I was no good for him
He was no good for me
Why should we keep it together? It'll be so very much like raising hell if we insist on being together.

He said he still loved me
He said he'd still give his heart and soul for me only
He was mad why I wouldn't give it another try
But I simply can't trust him anymore
I don't want him to earn my trust ever again anymore

I've had enough with lots of yelling, screaming, threatening, tears, sweet-words, hugs, kisses, and oh so many other things, the sweet and sour of us.

There are too many discrepancies I couldn't even afford to overcome

posted at 7:57 AM - |