Sunday, July 16, 2006

Si Tolol

Alkisah ada seorang yang tolol banget. Tololnya nggak ketulungan. Setolol-tololnya makhluk nggak berotak, masih tololan si orang ini. Ngomong nggak dipikir dulu. Bertindak nggak dipikir dulu. Ceplas ceplos. Ciaatt! Ciaat! Nggak liat kanan kiri. Bener-bener tolol ini orang. Nggak mikirin perasaan semua orang yang di sekitarnya. Yang penting dapet apa yang dimau. Tolol dan egois banget. Setiap hari harus berurusan tarik-tarikan urat syaraf sama orang lain. Si tolol ini cara belajarnya bodoh banget, yaitu Jatuh dulu baru bangun. Padahal seharusnya dia bisa belajar untuk bersiaga sebelum kesandung. Tapi karena tolol, ya dia merasa harus ngalamin dulu baru bisa mengerti apa dan kenapanya. Bener-bener tolol ya.

nb. kasihan sekali anda para pembaca yang budiman harus menyimak blog kepunyaan si tolol ini...

posted at 3:12 AM - |

Friday, July 14, 2006

a d u l t

i hate being an adult
problems seem to be my best friends
they stay all around me
they turn me upside down, inside out
i wish i could turn back into a kid

posted at 1:13 AM - |

Sunday, July 09, 2006

everything is wrong

hard times
busy like hell
i hate it when i cant voice out
mistreated in the name of love

my only curiosity now is
how does it feel hitting hard a wall with a car

consequences... consequences...
somewhat hard to swallow
have to walk all the way anyway

not so fun day today...
i dont know why
low threshold
unstable mood

had a sudden painful stomach cramp
almost blacked out
but forced to stay strong
to drive home safely

life's no fun
when you have no money
i kinda regretted for buying new handset
now im broke
in a couple of more days i'd be unable to quench my car's thirst

i dont have the heart to ask for my parents' subsidiary

what a complete mess...
everything sucks right now...

posted at 1:40 AM - |