Tadi pagi ke hygienist. Udah males2an banget bangunnya, abisan pagi banget!! Jam 11 pagi. Tapi karena dari minggu2 lalu udah diwanti2 sama sang dentist klo treatment ke hygienist ini amat sangat penting dalam rangka penyembuhan gusi gue, akhirnya yaa paksa2in deh bangun. Udah telat juga sih mau cancel appointmentnya, karena harus 48 jam sebelumnya soalnya klo nggak ya sama aja gue harus bayar some cancellation fee.
Nyampe sana, sang hygienistnya lsg menyambut dengan her cheerfulness, talking about the weather (menurut international student guide di kampus gue, weather is one of topics to breaking the ice), tp terus dia lsg ngomongin what's happening with my gum and teeth. Dan habis tu, she cut to the chase and started doing my teeth. Dia bersihin karang gigi using this sharp tool that sprays water and another tool to suck in the excess water and buildups. Huaaaaaaaaa... sakitnyaaaaa!!! I think she was scratching the plaque off my teeth and also my gum!!!! ARRGGGHHH!!! Oddly, I enjoyed some of the pain on my gum. Karena kadang gue suka gatel gitu nusuk2 gusi gue yg biasanya berasa sakit dikit but usually end up bleeding. Tapi ada statement dia yang cukup menggelitik. Kan pas dia scratched off the plaque, jdnya ada sisa air di mulut gue, terus gue tanya is it safe for me to swallow the excess water and the buildup. Dia jawab, "Off course it's okay. It has been sitting in your mouth for long time and you have probably swallowed them all the time." Hahahaha, bener juga! Kotoran juga kotoran sisa gue makan, dan terkadang gue emang suka males sikat gigi, jadi ya mungkin tuh kotoran juga udah ketelen2 kali. Terus habis itu, dia ngefloss. Yang ini lebih parah!!!!! Dia ngasih gue cermin buat ngeliatin cara dia ngefloss gigi yang bener. IT WAS HORRIBLE!!!! Pertama2, dia taro si floss di antara gigi2 gue terus it went underneath the collar-gum of either side of each tooth terus yah difloss. AARGGGGHH!!! My entire gum was bleeding!!!! Semuanyaaa berdarah2!!!!! Tapi terus aja gitu dia ngefloss semua gigi gue dengan sadisnya walopun gue udah mengernyit2 kesakitan. Habis itu gue disuruh kumur2. Terus dia sikatin gigi gue and showed me how to brush them properly. Habis itu kumur2 lagi dan selesai sudah.
Terus gue tanya, apakah harus sesadis itu ngefloss gigi? Dia bilang it's the proper way to do it, on which healthy gum should never bleed. Well, mungkin karena gusi gue masih infeksi dan puffy jadinya belum sehat betul dan akhirnya berdarah2 deh. But she assured me it would be okay to do so once my gum is healthy. Terus klo habis ngefloss dan sikat gigi, gue harus kumur2 pake mouth-rinse (and she told me she hates Listerine! Me too!!) to avoid the buildups. And guess what, today treatment is not the only one. I have to come back in 2 weeks time! Huhuhuhu... katanya karena gum gue masih puffy dan inflamed, jadinya ya dia gak berani ngapa2in banget2. Huhuhu.. neverending painful situation because of these wisdom teeth growing!!!! Huhuhuh.. numbuhnya tabrak2an lagi dalam gusi. huhuhuhu.. pusing ah. Senin depan baru mo ketemu sama specialist, i hope everything would go my way deh ah.

posted at 11:53 PM -