Setelah baca chapter 13 - The Secret Riddle, i think it explains why Lord Voldemort is such a meanie. Firstly, he's not a pure blood. His mother, Merope Gaunt is a wizard. His father, Tom Riddle is a muggle. He got his middle name after his grandfather, Marvolo Gaunt, who was a meanie himself. Tom got Merope pregnant and despite her love for him, he left her when she was pregnant. Merope didn't exercise any of the magic since left brokenhearted. She then gave birth to Tom Marvolo Riddle and died. Tom Marvolo Riddle was then raised in orphanage. Mungkin karena dia gak pernah dapet yg namanya kasih sayang dari orangtuanya, jadi dia tumbuh jadi orang yang jahat full of hatred. He bullied lots of orphans and stole their toys as his triumphant trophies. Walaupun nggak dibesarkan di lingkungan wizard, tp karena dia keturunan Marvolo Gaunt the meanie, jadinya dia tetep punya the natural wizard ability, mean one i guess.
Tom Marvolo never had friends because he's been such a meanie right from his childhood. Mungkin dia jadinya kebiasaan dgn all of mean actions towards other people, so he grew into meanie wizard karena dia pikir he's all that dengan his nature talent of wizardry and power dan mau nguasain semua orang.
Furthermore, I would assume that Tom Marvolo knew about his father the muggle who abandoned him and his mother before her death. Jadinya mungkin karena itu dia jadi benci muggle or not-pure blood people and want to destroy them all.
Dumbledore himself admitted to Harry Potter that he didn't know that Tom Marvolo would turn into such a meanie wizard. Entahlah apakah itu sebuah kesalahan waktu Dumbledore offered Tom Marvolo a place in Hogwarts. Coba klo misalnya dia gak pernah sekolah di Hogwarts, he would never be able to master wizardry properly, jdnya mungkin dia gak akan bener2 punya power segitunya. Tapi entahlah, klo dibilang dia punya nature talent, yaa mungkin tetep aja dia bakal bisa use his magic properly kali yeee. Pas udah bbrp taun di Hogwarts, dia rubah namanya jadi Lord Voldemort, karena *most likely* gila power!

posted at 1:46 AM -