what the..??
polisi2 jakarta lagi gencar ngerazia company2 yg pada make software bajakan.
moga2 doi gak sampe ngerazia rumah2 civilians dehhhh....
pokoknyaa aku cinta barang2 bajakannnn..
murah meriahh..
sapa suruuu jual software harganya selangit
come on... turunin dikit kek harganya!!
well, tapi klo buat commercial businesses wajar sihh klo softwarenya harus pake yg asli. ah dasar duduls aja noh company2nya.
tapi klo buat gue, pokoknya gue tetep cintahh sama barang2 bajakan. mulai dari mp3 sampe dvd. aaahh... entertainment is supposed to be free of charge, ya know!!!!!! jadinya musik, film, dan lain2 yg entertaining harus gratisan! jadi, instead of pirated dvds/vcds/mp3s, berilah semuanya gratis buat gue!! and some of software applications are also entertaining such as all Macromedia and Adobe products... im having fun using them, thus I must get them all for free as well!!!!
gak mauuuu beli barang bajakan lagiii.. maunya dapat gratisann!! Hidup DOWNLOAD LEWAT INTERNET! HIDUP LIMEWIRE!!!!! HIDUP MIRC!!!!!!! HIDUP TORRENT!!!!!!!! Dan gue masih mau deh bayar buat internet connection (HIDUP ADSL!!!), tp gue gak rela ah klo bayar internet connection di indo... dah mahal, lelet lagi!!!
posted at 3:26 AM -