begini nih rasanya kejar2an sama due dates.
otak diperas abis2an.
kalah dah ama meres baju.
pusenkk... ngantuk.
pengen muntah rasanya harus berjam2 nongkrongin gantt chart ama work breakdown and schedule deadline. hoekkkkkk.... harus nulis berlembar2 (biar keliatan banyak gitu :P).
tapi kemaren dosen gue yg laen bilang klo nulis project plan documentation harusnya yg bener itu marketing-wise, alias less is more alias gak usah nulis banyak2 yg penting point2nya jelas. well bener juga sih, tapi dosen gue yg laennya lagi expected documentationnya to be at least 30 pages. huhuhuhu.... so far gue baru bikin 14 halaman. tp kyknya group member yg lainnya bakal come up with the rest of the pages hopefully.
belon lagi tugas2 yg lainnya. akhirnya industry research review on multimedia business gue nyaris kelar. tinggal nunggu respond dari salah satu employee company yg gue research, SamDesign trus tinggal kasih final touch ke report document ama presentation slidesnya. malesss...
belon lagi tugas satu lagi, bikin cartoon character development. huhuhuu... udah ada bbrp sketches sih, tp capek juga karena musti harus bikin digital formatnya. aaargghh, another hours to be spent on tracing on illustrator. dem, i should've done it long time ago, i knoe.
dan yg paling agak2 menyeramkan nih tugas satu lagi, bikin website. in a way, kyknya lumayan simple, tapi malesnya musti nulis proper content, some animated images, dan image documentation. argggh.. .knp sihhh musti dibanyak2in tugas2nye. ggrrrrrrr... capekkkkk.
i'll be going on a ski trip this saturday
i'll be having my friend come over from perth this saturday
i hope i'll be able to finish everything before tomorrow (impossible uhh).
posted at 11:58 PM -