Sebenernya udah dari chapter2 sebelumnya sih ada tanda2 kyknya si Harry Potter lagi naksir seseorang. Tapi setelah baca chapter 14 - Felix Felicis, makin jelas keliatan klo
Harry naksir Ginny Weasley!!!
It was as though something large and scaly erupted into life in Harry's stomach, clawing at his insides: hot blood seemed to flood his brain, so that all thought was extinguished replaced by a savage urge to jinx Dean Thomas into a jelly.That happened when he found Dean and Ginny locked in a close embrace and kissing fiercely as if glued together.
Tapi yg gue masih belum bisa nangkep dengan jelas, apakah Ron and Hermione are secretly having crush on each other??? Soalnya dua2nya lagi ngambek2an skrg gara2 Ron mentioned about Hermione snogging Viktor Krum, dan skrg Ron malah snogging Lavender Brown (perhaps just to get even with Hermione?).
And Harry Potter continues carrying on his denial by telling himself firmly,
"You just didn't like seeing her kissing Dean because she's Ron's sister. She's Ron's sister. She's out of bounds"yea yea, whatever, Harry, keep on denying your own feeling. I really am looking forward to finding out your true feeling in the later chapters!
posted at 2:08 AM -